Sunday, August 23, 2009

help, I lost my palate!

Through my twenties I became really adventurous with food, trying anything and everything. I eliminated most packaged/processed foods and junk. I would eat bulgar wheat salads, enjoy expensive cheeses, switched to soy, snacked on flax and learned to cook so many interesting meals from scratch. I was really happy with my new approach to eating.

Well, in comes pregnancy and it's been a riot seeing all foods I found disgusting become my taste preference. Let's see - chocolate milk, kraft dinner, twizzlers, egg mcmuffin, spaghetti with tomato sauce, really, any sort of
mange-cake food out there. I mean, these are foods I wouldn't touch and hoped to never again in my life. And food that I once relished are of absolutely no interest to me anymore. I'm actually turning my nose up at Pad Thai wishing I could have a Pizza Pop instead. To add insult to injury, I'm not happy about the lack of nutrition some of these foods offer. What happened to my palate? I'm now a child with childish taste preferences!

I guess I'm taking this all in stride, I'm sure in 2 months things will be restored back to normal. If I'm taking anything out of this experience, I'm hoping that it's a lesson in tolerance. I had imagined my children to be avocado eating toddlers who take no interest in chocolate ice cream - but maybe that's just not realistic. Not to say I'm totally abandoning the health food thing, but I might have to take a bit of understanding when my son refuses to eat his pesto.

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